The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides financial assistance to child and adult care centers, as well as family day care homes, to ensure that nutritious meals and snacks are served to eligible participants. If you are a center in Louisiana interested in participating in the CACFP, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the application process. We will be using the Louisiana Department of Education’s CACFP website as a reference.
We have included the following packets for your convenience:
- CACFP New Sponsor Checklist: The checklist is for new organizations that wish to sponsor the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in Louisiana. It outlines the application process and requirements.
- Independent Child Care Centers Handbook: This handbook specifically focuses on CACFP operations by an independent child care center.
- Family Day Care Handbook: This handbook is for monitors of family day care homes (FDCHs). An FDCH is an organized nonresidential child care program for children, generally 12 years of age or younger, operated in a private home, and licensed or approved to provide care. In order to participate in CACFP, FDCHs must enter into an agreement with a sponsoring organization (“sponsor”).
Please find additional resources to support you below:
- For more detailed information and access to all the resources mentioned, please visit the Child Nutrition Programs with the Louisiana Department of Health page at: https://cnp.doe.louisiana.gov/Front.Web/Programs/CACFP
- You can also visit the Louisiana Believe’s nutrition support page: https://www.louisianabelieves.com/schools/public-schools/nutrition
- Please visit the USDA’s Nutrition Standards for CACFP Meals and Snacks https://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/meals-and-snacks
If you have any questions or require further information regarding the Child and Adult Care Food Program, you can contact the Division of Nutrition Support, CACFP Section with questions by calling (225) 342-3707 or sending an email to tammy.bloyed@la.gov.
As a responsible early childhood provider, it is crucial to be prepared for any emergency situation that may arise. In compliance with federal regulations, Louisiana Believes has developed a Statewide Childhood Emergency Plan and a range of resources to support providers in their emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.
We have included the following packets for your convenience:
- Early Learning Center Emergency Plan (Statewide Childhood Emergency Plan): This plan is specifically tailored to the needs of early learning centers and provides a step-by-step guide to emergency preparedness. It covers a wide range of scenarios, including natural disasters, medical emergencies, and security threats.
https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/child-care-providers/early-learning-center-emergency-plan.pdf?sfvrsn=2 - CCAP Provider Emergency Preparedness Plan Template: This template provides a framework that providers can customize to suit the specific needs of their center. It covers essential aspects such as evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and emergency contacts.
https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/child-care-providers/ccap-provider-emergency-preparedness-plan-template8179fd5b8c9b66d6b292ff0000215f92.pdf?sfvrsn=8e29b1f_4 - Early Learning Center Emergency Checklists: This checklist provides the outline of control activities, protective actions, and support functions in all emergency situations.
https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/child-care-providers/early-learning-center-emergency-checklists.pdf?sfvrsn=2 - Child Care Assistance Program Before, During, and After a Disaster: Frequent questions on the steps to take before, during and after disaster. If you have other questions, call LDOE at 1-877-453-2721.
https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/early-childhood/child-care-assistance-program—before-during-and-after-a-disaster.pdf?sfvrsn=cb386718_2 - Family Home and In-Home Child Care Emergency Checklist: This checklist will assist you in developing an emergency preparedness plan in case of a disaster/emergency for the location where care is provided. For questions, contact 225-342-1879.
https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/child-care-providers/family-home-and-in-home-child-care-emergency-checklist.pdf?sfvrsn=4 - Louisiana Early Learning Center BASIC emergency plan with Reinstatement Form: This emergency plan describes the procedures that will be used to provide for the care and the well-being of the children under your care.
Please find additional resources to support you below:
- For more detailed information and access to all the resources mentioned, please visit the Louisiana Believe’s Early Childhood Emergency Preparedness and Recovery page at: https://www.louisianabelieves.com/early-childhood/child-care-and-development-fund-licensing/early-childhood-emergency-preparedness-and-recovery
- The National Hurricane Center is responsible for issuing forecasts for all tropical cyclones. For the latest forecasts, updates, and announcement, please visit: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
- If your center is located in a parish that the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) Division of Licensing determines as impacted by disaster, your license may be suspended until you obtain post-disaster approvals from the Division of Licensing. For further information, please visit the following: https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/child-care-providers/ccdf-frequently-ask-questions.pdf?sfvrsn=2