Special Education
The Jefferson Parish Schools (JPS) Early Childhood Special Programs serve 3-5 year-old children who meet the eligibility requirements that are identified through an evaluation conducted or reviewed by Child Search, a JPS multi-disciplinary evaluation team. A child is eligible if his/her disability meets criteria for an exceptionality specified in the Louisiana Department of Education Pupil Appraisal Handbook. Once eligibility is determined, an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is developed by an IEP team that includes the parents and family. This plan outlines the types and locations of services and supports to be provided to the child. It is the policy of JPS to meet students’ needs in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) as expected by best practices and mandated by federal law. Three-year-old children may be enrolled in the JPS Preschool Early Intervention Program (PEIP). Four-year-old special education students may be enrolled in the PEIP program or in Pre-K 4 general education or special education classrooms.
Even if you receive notice that your child may attend a specific school or is placed through the lottery at a specific school, placement could change based on the IEP team decision.
Preschool Early Intervention Program
The JPS Preschool Early Intervention Program (PEIP) provides special education supports and services to 3 and 4 year-old children with identified disabilities within natural settings (e.g., their home, Early Head Start/Head Start, private childcare center) and within preschool early intervention groups at selected JPS schools.
Services within natural settings are provided by a JPS early intervention teacher within the home or community based classroom setting chosen by the parent in Jefferson Parish. Students in community settings are voluntarily enrolled by their family and any expenses are the responsibility of the family. The early intervention teacher works directly with the student in their home or community setting and provides modeling and support for caregivers and teachers. Adults work together to make adaptations, design learning strategies, and modify the environment to address the student’s unique learning needs, increase student participation, and facilitate child learning and development.
Services within the early intervention groups at selected JPS schools are provided through an integrated, multidisciplinary team approach. Students participate in half-day sessions to build social-emotional, communication, and functional skills. The multidisciplinary team supports students to participate in multisensory activities, music and movement, facilitated play, art activities, and other developmentally appropriate activities designed to increase concept development and math and literacy readiness skills.
Parents are offered opportunities for parent participation throughout the year. We encourage parents to take advantage of home/school/community connections.
Classroom Placement
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