Services age:
Birth-36 months with a medical condition resulting from developmental delay
Services include:
Assistive technology, Audiology, Health Services (family education, assistance with other EarlySteps services only), Medical Services (evaluation only), Nutrition Services, Occupational Therapy Services, Physical Therapy Services, Psychological Services, Service Coordination, Social Work Services, Special Instruction, Speech-Language Pathology, Translation Interpreter Services (foreign language and sign language), Transportation (to and from an EarlySteps service only), Vision Services
Funding Sources:
Federal Medicaid funds, Federal Part C funds, State Medicaid Matching funds, State Part C funds
Parent Corner
Regional Contacts
Referral Form
Phone Contact:
Services age:
3-5 years suspected of having a disability, as well as children who may qualify for gifted services
Services Include:
Free special education instruction, speech services, occupational therapy services, physical therapy services, school health and school nurse services, and/or social work services.
Phone Contact:
Information on Child Development & Parenting Strategies:
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning – The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning offers resources to help you support your child’s social-emotional development, from responding to biting to teaching your child about feelings. Louisiana Website
Project Launch – Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) Louisiana works to help all children ages 0-8 to reach social, emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive milestones. Louisiana. Website
Zero to Three – Zero to Three has information and articles to support parents of infants and toddlers in understanding their children and promoting their growth and development. Whether you are trying to understand why your two year old is suddenly lying or you want to help your baby sleep through the night, Zero to Three has resources to help you out! Louisiana. Website
Support for Families with Disabled Children:
- Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans -Families Helping Families is a parent-led organization dedicated to supporting families that include children with disabilities. They can help you navigate all of the support systems for children with special needs. They offer hundreds of trainings and can answer any of your questions about special education and other services related to any disability or special health care need. 700 Hickory Ave., Harahan, Louisiana 70123. Website
Information on Child Safety, Health & Development:
- American Academy of Pediatrics: HealthyChildren.org – HealthyChildren.org offers research-based information from America’s leading pediatrician’s organization. It offers information on ages and stages, safety, health issues, and more. It even offers a symtom checker to help you assess when (and how quickly) you should seek medical attention for your child’s symptoms. Louisiana. Website
Information on Community Resources in Louisiana:
- Partners for Family Health – Partners for Family Health Louisiana offers tons of helpful information for Louisiana families with young children, from finding free ot low-cost car seats to navigating social services. Louisiana. Website
Information on Safe Sleep:
Give your baby space – Give Your Baby Space offers resources for families and caregivers on preventing SIDS and creating safe sleeping environments for young children. Louisiana. Website
Information on Lead Poisoning:
- Louisiana Department of Health: Lead Poisoning – The Louisiana Department of Health offers information on lead poisoning, including tips on reducing exposure, how to get your child tested for lead and why it’s important for young children to get tested. Louisiana. Website
Health Insurance:
- LaCHIP and Medicaid – The Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP) provides health coverage to uninsured children up to age 19. It is a no-cost health program that pays for hospital care, doctor visits, prescription drugs, shots and more. Louisiana also offers the LaCHIP Affordable Plan for families that earn too much to qualify for LaCHIP. Louisiana. Website
Marketplace Health Insurance Coverage – Thanks to recent changes from the American Rescue Plan, health insurance premiums for policies purchased through the marketplace are more affordable than ever before. Some families will even have $0 monthly premiums! If your family has looked into marketplace coverage before, but found it to be too expensive, now is a good time to take another look. Louisiana. Website
Health Insurance Support:
- Health Insurance Navigators – Navigators for a Healthy Louisiana can help you understand (and compare) your health insurance options, and get assistance applying for and enrolling in Medicaid and Marketplace coverage. Louisiana. Website
Carseat Fitting & Safety Information:
- Louisiana Highway Safety Commission – The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission offers information on current Louisiana laws on carseats, a current directory of carseat fitting stations and other resources related to kids and car safety. Louisiana. Website
Poison Hotline:
- Poison Control – Poison control provides 24/7 free, confidential information if you suspect your child (or anyone) has been poisoned. Their web site even offers tips on how to identify pills. Louisiana. Website
Different services available to prevent an at-risk person from homelessness including emergency shelters, rental assistance, voucher programs.
- Jefferson Parish Housing Authority Marrero – http://www.hajp.org/: Operates Section 8 Housing Voucher, program for Jefferson Parish, 1011 4th St., Suite 203; Gretna, LA 70053, Office Hours: M-TH 9 a.m.-12 p.m. & 1-4 p.m., Phone : 504-366-5344
- Permanent Supportive Housing – https://ldh.la.gov/assets/docs/OAAS/PSH/PSH-Application-Packet-7-18-22.pdf 1450 Poydras St., Suite 1133, New Orleans, LA 70112
- Jefferson Community Action Program – This is a HUD Housing approved Housing Assistance agency. They may be able to provide housing assistance. Housing assistance programs include: Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Pre purchase Counseling, Rental Assistance Housing Counseling 504-227-1221.
- Jeff Cap Marrero-multi Service Center Marrero – This is a HUD Housing approved Housing Assistance agency. They may be able to provide housing assistance. Housing assistance programs include: Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Pre purchase Counseling, Rental Assistance Housing Counseling. 504-349-5458
Emergency Shelters:
- CCANO Jefferson Care Center – Emergency shelter for families and some unaccompanied adults in Jefferson Parish 1108 Barataria Blvd.; Marrero, LA 70072, Office Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Mon.-Sun. 24 hours, Phone: 504-347-0772, Intake Procedure: Call to see if space is available, open 24 hrs.
- Remnant House by Lovetouch Ministries – www.lovetouchministries.org: Emergency shelter for homeless women with or without children in the Greater New Orleans area for up to three months Shelter: 423 Realty Dr.; Gretna, LA 70056, Main Office: 57 5th St.; Gretna, LA 70053, Phone: 504-362-7010, Intake Procedure: Intake is 10 a.m.-2 p.m. daily. Morning departure is 7:30 a.m. The first night is free; fee is $10 thereafter or a voucher.
- Way Maker Ministries Emergency Shelter for Homeless Women with Children – Emergency shelter for homeless women with children, 804 1st Ave.; Harvey, LA 70058, Office Hours: M-F 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone: 504-328-8794 Intake Procedure: Call or walk-in.
Outreach Services:
- Jefferson Parish Mobile Crisis Services (RHD) – rhdla.org
Street outreach and housing placement services form, Jefferson Parish, Phone : 504-832-5123 - Kenner Housing Authority – kennerha.com
Manages Veterans Administration Supportive Housing program and Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers 1013 31st St.; Kenner, LA 7006
Nutrition Support:
- Food Banks – Feeding America can help you find the closest food pantry to you.
Louisiana. Website
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Jefferson Parish Health Unit WIC Clinic: 1855 Ames Blvd., Marrero 504-349-8802, ext. 234, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
- Jefferson Parish Health Unit WIC Clinic: 1855 Ames Blvd., Marrero 504-349-8802, ext. 234, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
- Jefferson Parish Health Unit WIC Clinic: 111 North Causeway Blvd. Metairie 504-838-5100 Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
- Access Health WIC Clinic: Kenner Community Health 2900 Indiana Ave. Kenner 504-496-0540 Mon-Thurs 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM – 12 Noon
- Crescent City WIC Services – 429 Wall Blvd Gretna 504-247-0592 Monday thru Thurs 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM- 2:00 PM
- Ultimate Health WIC Clinic – Gretna West Side shopping Center North 91 Westbank Expressway Suite 405 Gretna 504-363-4899 Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits that help eligible low-income households buy the food they need for good health. For most households, SNAP funds account for only a portion of their food budgets; they must also use their own funds to buy enough food to last throughout the month. Eligible households can receive food assistance through regular SNAP or through the Louisiana Combined Application Project (LaCAP).
- Local LA Department of Social Services Family Support Offices – East Bank: 3229 36th St.; Metairie, LA 70001 Phone : 504-838-5111
- Local LA Department of Social Services Family Support Offices – West Bank, 2150 West Bank Expressway, Suite 201; Harvey, LA 70058, Phone : 504-361-6111
- Jefferson Parish East – Economic Stability: 3229 36th St., 1st Fl. Metairie, LA 70001
- Jefferson Parish West – Economic Stability: 2150 Westbank Expressway, Suite 201 Harvey, LA 70058
Apply Now – Louisiana Digital Assister
Apply by phone: 1-888-LAHELP-U (888-524-3578)
Find out more about becoming a foster parent here
CASA Jefferson: Purchases school supplies, luggage, books, toys and gift cards for children and youth in foster care in the Jefferson Parish area.
Contact Person: Rosana Gonzalez: (504) 533-8757, rgonzalez@casajefferson.org
Breastfeeding Support:
- Louisiana Cafe Au Lait – Café au Lait is a FREE breastfeeding support circle for families of color, with locations in New Orleans, Kenner, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Opelousas, Shreveport, and Bossier City. They also offer a Spanish-language breastfeeding support group! 6100 Canal Blvd Suite 205, New Orleans, Louisiana 70124. Website
Diaper and period supplies:
- The Diaper Bank – The Junior League of New Orleans partners primarily with food banks to offer diapers and period supplies to families in need. Visit the web site for locations and schedules. Louisiana. Website
Domestic Violence:
- Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence maintains a directory of domestic violence shelters in every parish in Louisiana. Website
Family Planning / Contraception:
- Take Charge Plus – Louisiana offers “Take Charge Plus,” which provides health coverage for family planning (birth control) and related services (such as well care visits related to family planning, STI testing, HPV vaccines and transportation for family planning appointments). Louisiana. Website
Parent Support Hotline / Textline:
- Louisiana Parent Line – Louisiana Parent Line is designed to help parents in moments when they’re feeling especially stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated. It’s a free, 24/7 helpline staffed by trained professionals. You can call anytime: 1-833-LA-CHILD (1-833-522-4453). You can also reach them via text at 225-424-1533. Louisiana. Website
Parenting Support:
- Healthy Start Jefferson Parish – Healthy Start is a community-based program that can help you navigate prenatal/postnatal care, enroll in community assistance programs, and become your baby’s first and most important teacher. As a Healthy Start family, you’ll also be invited to free events and parent workshops each month. Healthy Start Jefferson is open to pregnant people and parents living in Jefferson Parish with a child up to 18 months. They also offer parent support groups, including groups just for dads. 429 Wall Boulevard, Gretna, Louisiana 70056. Website
Parenting Support (Home Visiting):
- Parents as Teachers – PAT pairs families who are expecting a baby or have young children with parent educators who provide support, help families navigate services, and keep babies on track for a healthy life. Louisiana. Website
The Nurse Family Partnership – NFP pairs first time moms with a registered nurse during their second or third trimester to help guide them through pregnancy and newborn care. Louisiana. Website
Works to improve a child’s well-being by supporting, informing and empowering the adults who can impact their lives, including teachers, parents, policymakers and donors. We connect adults to resources, ideas, services, and networks that can help their efforts to help children thrive, even in the face of limited resources. – https://agendaforchildren.org/
- Center for Early Childhood Advancement – is a place where early childhood educators, program leaders, community members, and policymakers collaborate to advance a unified approach to improve the lives of young children and families and the early childhood systems that support them.
- ECHO Fund – The Early Childhood Opportunity Fund (ECHO) is an innovative grant program that seeks to increase access to high-quality early care and education for New Orleans children from birth through age four through directly funding early child care center needs.
- Judy Watts Center for Policy & Advocacy – is a multi-issue child advocacy hub that engages in supporting strong public policy to improve child well-being, outcomes, and services. The Center houses all Agenda for Children data and includes a Child Well-Being Academy that functions in a fellowship model, aimed at those who want to be more educated.
- Louisiana KIDS COUNT – Agenda for Children’s KIDS COUNT project informs public conversation about Louisiana’s kids by generating accurate, up-to-date data that shows how children are doing in every parish and provides a roadmap for improvement. Find state and local data on hundreds of measures of child well-being at the KIDS COUNT Data Center.
- New Orleans Early Education Network (NOEEN) – is a network of publicly-funded early childhood care and education providers in Orleans Parish. We support the child care centers, schools and Head Start programs as they work to provide quality early care and education to New Orleans children and families.
Contact Info:
- Agenda for Children: info@agendaforchildren.org
- NOEEN: noeen@agendaforchildren.org
- ECHO: echofund@agendaforchildren.org
- Media inquiries: media@agendaforchildren.org
- Parent Contact (parents seeking resources or child care referrals): referrals@agendaforchildren.org
Educators’ Contacts:
- Directors’ collaborative meetings: directorsnetwork@agendaforchildren.org
- Workshops: pd@agendaforchildren.org
- Coaching: coaching@agendaforchildren.org
Address and Phone Number:
8300 Earhart Blvd., Suite 201, New Orleans, LA 70118,
CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. – https://www.cdc.gov/
- West Jefferson Health Center: 5001 West Bank Expressway, Suite 100 Marrero, LA 70072, phone: 504-349-8833
- East Jefferson Health Center: 3616 S. I-10 Service Road W. Suite 100, Metairie, LA 70001 504-838-5257
Website: jphsa.org
Disability Services:
(See also in Mental Health and Substance Addiction sections with office locations listed in Mental Health section) Phone : 504-349-8833
- Children’s Bureau -Children’s Bureau provides evidence based counseling services to children and families. They have specialized training to support children and families impacted by a traumatic event, as well as those who have lost a loved one or witnessed and/or been a victim of violence. 935 Calhoun Street, Ste 101, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118. Website
Free museum admission for Louisiana residents
- Art for All by the Helis Foundation – Art for All offers free museum admission on specific days of the week/month for all Louisiana residents, including the New Orleans Museum of Art, Contemporary Arts Center, Louisiana Children’s Museum, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, and the New Orleans Botanical Garden. Visit the Helis Foundation’s web site for details on dates and how to get tickets. Louisiana. Website