FirstDay Learning
Classroom Environments
Whether at an amusement park, a grocery store, or a Pre-K classroom, our behavior is profoundly influenced by our physical surroundings. Anyone who has ever been stressed out by a cluttered room or felt relaxed and at peace in a luxury spa can attest to that. This session examines the connection between physical environments and human behavior. Teachers will learn research-based strategies for designing classroom spaces in ways that promote positive, pro-social behaviors and prevent challenging behaviors. In today’s world of uncertain school schedules and learning from home, it is more important than ever to consider the quality of our children’s learning environments.
Classroom Relationships
Our human experience is based on relationships – between things and places, true – but mostly between people. This session explores the complex interaction between relationships and behavior. Teachers will develop co-regulation skills to create calm in stressful times, and better understand the emotions of their children. Strategies to build confidence, reframe mindsets and promote pro-social behaviors will be presented. Participants can expect to leave with knowledge and skills in their life- not just those in the classroom.
Understanding Behavior: ABC Easy as 123
The focus of this training is to guide teachers to better understand why behaviors happen in the classroom. It will examine the sequence of how behaviors occur, and then understand strategies to use within the classroom to shape behavior. Teachers will leave with antecedent strategies to take with them to use in their classroom to increase appropriate behavior and decrease challenging behaviors.
Date & TimeSaturday, March 11, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PMJefferson Parish Schools Administration Building501 Manhattan Boulevard Harvey 70058
Proactive Behavior Management Strategies for the Classroom
As a teacher, one of the most common things that you’ll come across in your career is dealing with challenging behaviors. In this session, we will dive into how to identify what is triggering a behavior to occur and how to choose a proactive strategy to manage unwanted behavior in your classroom.
Date & TimeSaturday, March 25, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PMJefferson Parish Schools Administration Building501 Manhattan Boulevard Harvey 70058
Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis although we reserve the right to limit the number of participants from any one center. Teachers must register themselves using their own email address and personal phone number. This information is needed for communications to confirm registration and to communicate any changes to training logistics. If you have any questions in regards to training, please contact Melissa Vegas at melissa.vegas@jpschools.org.